Dictionary Marxism in America
Coordinated by the Núcleo Práxis-USP, the Dictionary Marxism in America is a historical recovery of the memory of the first thinkers-militants who, based on the theoretical framework of historical materialism, set out to reflect on and confront the social, political and economic problems of the new American nations, initiating Marxist development on the continent. With the collaboration of around a hundred researchers from all over the world, the work will be published in digital (free) and printed (popular) editions by the partnership of Edições Práxis and Editora Expressão Popular. For now, the entries can be read on the web, available on prominent Brazilian critical sites — and are being translated (Spanish, French, English and Italian) for dissemination abroad. The volumes cover the period from the formation of Marxism in America (19th century) to the 1970s (the worsening of the capitalist structural crisis) — including political-philosophical biographies of various Marxists who lived, wrote and worked in American countries. Each entry includes: a historical biography, an essay on political ideas and practices, bibliographical reviews and reading recommendations.
Dictionary Marxism in America: a historical rescue of militant memories
After decades of collective work, public access is now available to a series of publications that brings back the historical memory of the first Marxists in the Americas